Georgia Tech is committed to the development, preparation, support, and graduation of student-athletes involved in intercollegiate athletic activities. The Faculty are vitally interested in promoting participation in athletics programs in a way that enhances the educational programs of the Institute, so that Georgia Tech student athletes are encouraged to excel in the classroom, on the field, and in life.

Key Roles in Athletics Governance
The Institute administration, the Georgia Tech Athletic Association (GTAA) Board of Trustees, and the Faculty all play vital roles ensuring that Georgia Tech intercollegiate athletic programs meet the high purposes just stated.

Institute Administration
The President of the Institute is committed to the achievement and maintenance of the highest standards in intercollegiate athletics as a harmonious part of the whole educational mission of the Institute. The President implements this through a system of athletics governance and a number of key appointments outlined below. In addition, a Director of Affiliated Organizations, reporting to the Executive Vice-President for Administration and Finance, has oversight of the business operations of all affiliated organizations, including the GTAA.

Georgia Tech Athletic Association Board of Trustees
The GTAA exists to promote the educational program of the Georgia Institute of Technology by affording facilities for and encouraging participation by the student body in healthful exercises, recreation, athletic games, and contests. The GTAA Board of Trustees has control of the intercollegiate athletics conducted at or in the name of the Georgia Institute of Technology and all of the business affairs of the GTAA.

The voting membership of the Board of Trustees of the Association shall consist of the President of the Georgia Institute of Technology; the Treasurer of the Association, who shall be the Executive Vice-President for Administration and Finance of the Georgia Institute of Technology; eleven (11) members of the faculty/administration of the Georgia Institute of Technology, of whom nine (9) of the eleven (11) must be members of the academic faculty (one of whom shall be designated by the President of the Georgia Institute of Technology as the Faculty Athletics Representative); seven (7) alumni; and three (3) students of the Georgia Institute of Technology.

The Faculty, alumni, and honorary members of the Board of Trustees of the Association shall be appointed by the Georgia Tech President for a term of three (3) years and may be reappointed. The President will consult with the Faculty Executive Board concerning the appointment of the Faculty Athletics Representative and with the Chair of the Faculty Executive Board for the remaining Faculty appointments to the Board of Trustees each time appointments or reappointments are made. These appointments should be made with care to ensure that each faculty member can represent the educational interests of the Institute with independence and effectiveness.

The Director of Athletics shall be hired by and with the approval of the Board of Trustees. The Director of Athletics shall be responsible to the Board for the proper conduct of intercollegiate athletics; for the maintenance and efficient use of the physical plant of the Association; and for the general administration of the affairs of the Association according to the directions and regulations of the Board.

Faculty Athletics Representative
The Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) must have the credentials and perform the duties as outlined in the NCAA Faculty Athletics Representative Association (FARA)Handbook and the NCAA Constitution. The FAR has the following responsibilities as defined by the FARA Handbook (2018) with modifications pertinent to Georgia Tech:

  1. The FAR should ensure, either directly or indirectly, that student-athletes meet all NCAA, conference, and institutional requirements for eligibility for practice, financial aid, and intercollegiate competition. This should include both initial and continuing academic eligibility requirements for both freshmen and transfer student-athletes. These certifications should be performed by the FAR, performed under the direction of the FAR, or, at a minimum, periodically reviewed and audited by the FAR. Academic eligibility certifications should be performed by a person outside of the department of athletics.
  2. The FAR should develop, or arrange to have developed, periodic statistical reports on the academic preparation and performance of student-athletes for each sports team. This information should be provided by the GTAA academic support staff and the Registrar’s Office. This information should be provided to the chief executive officer, the athletics board or committee, the athletics administration, and head coaches. This information should be shared with the Academic Senate in accordance with the reporting requirement provided below. The FAR should be knowledgeable about the academic preparation and performance of each sports team and should use such reports to uphold high academic standards and expectations for these team members.
  3. The FAR should be responsible, either directly or indirectly, for institutional compliance activities or responsibilities, which involve campus entities outside the athletics department. Such entities include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Office of Student Financial Planning and Services, (b) Office of Undergraduate Admissions, (c) Office of the Registrar, and (d) offices of the Provost and the Deans of the colleges. The FAR should work in concert with the director of athletics to ensure a comprehensive and effective rules education and compliance program on the campus.
  4. The FAR should be knowledgeable about the NCAA and conference rules related to academic eligibility, transfer requirements, and restrictions and enforcement procedures. The FAR should participate, or otherwise be fully informed about, institutional investigations of allegations of rules violations. No infractions report to either the NCAA or a conference should leave the campus until it has been reviewed by the FAR. The FAR should play a major and direct role in matters that potentially involve major violations of NCAA rules.
  5. The FAR should have direct contact with student-athletes on a systematic and periodic basis. He or she should participate in new student-athlete orientation activities and should interact frequently with student-athlete advisory committees. Student-athletes should recognize the FAR as a source of information, support, and counseling, which is located administratively outside of the athletics department.
  6. The FAR should be a senior advisor outside of the athletics department to the chief executive officer on matters related to intercollegiate athletics. Together, with the director of athletics, the FAR should formulate and recommend institutional positions on NCAA legislation and other matters affecting, or related to, intercollegiate athletics on the campus.
  7. The FAR should represent the institution to the NCAA and to the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC) of which the Georgia Institute of Technology is a member.
  8. The FAR should be an active member of the campus intercollegiate athletics board or committee.
  9. The FAR is the principal point of contact to whom student-athletes can report any action, activity, or behavior by anyone associated with athletics programs inconsistent with the NCAA Constitution’s principle of student-athlete health and well-being. In this role, the FAR is a reporting contact for student-athletes independent of the institution’s athletic department, but not a legal advocate for student-athletes. The FAR, in this capacity, shall report directly to the member institution’s president or chancellor.
  10. The FAR will work with the Secretary of the Faculty and the Chair of the Statutes Committee to ensure that this Handbook reflects the current GTAA Bylaws, NCAA constitution, and the FARA Handbook, as well as any other pertinent rules, regulations, and guidelines.

Academic Faculty Senate
The FAR shall make an annual presentation to the Academic Faculty Senate on the state of Georgia Tech’s intercollegiate athletics program, covering contributions to the education mission of the Institute, statistical information on the academic performance of the participants in the programs, compliance with all institutional, conference, and NCAA regulations, and any matters of concern in the planning and implementation of programs in relation to the best interests of the Institute. Matters of Faculty concern shall be referred to the appropriate offices or committees of the Faculty.