Facility Planning / Plant Operations

Facility Planning / Plant Operations jbarber32

Building & Utilities Maintenance

Building & Utilities Maintenance
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Reason for Policy


The purpose of this document is to outline the procedures associated with Building & Utilities Maintenance.

Policy Statement

The Building & Utilities Maintenance Departments are responsible for the operation, maintenance, and repair of all heating, air conditioning, ventilating and refrigeration equipment including the central steam and chilled water plants and their associated distribution systems. Building & Utilities Maintenance perform certain maintenance and repair functions according to regular schedule or as the need is determined through scheduled and special inspections conducted by Building & Utilities Maintenance Department personnel. Attendant responsibilities include energy conservation and cost containment.


Scheduled Maintenance and Repair

Functions performed according to a schedule or as a result of scheduled inspections are as follows:

  • Exterior painting, including refurbishing all painted surfaces as required. This work is normally scheduled during the late spring and summer months. The schedule must be flexible since some buildings require painting more frequently than others.
  • Plumbing system maintenance and repair, including water, air, gas, steam, and sewer systems, both interior and exterior.
  • Mechanical equipment maintenance including servicing and repairs to heating, air conditioning, ventilation, and other mechanical equipment. Building Maintenance has an inspection and preventive maintenance group which makes regularly scheduled visits to each of the campus buildings.
  • Electrical systems maintenance, including the campus high voltage distribution system. These systems are installed, inspected, maintained, and repaired by Utilities Maintenance personnel. Facilities Management personnel also install, maintain, and repair the secondary electrical systems within each building.
  • Elevator maintenance and repair is accomplished through contract services prepared and monitored by Utilities Maintenance.

Since the indiscriminate addition of electrically operated equipment can tax a power system beyond its designated load limits, building occupants should consider power loads in purchasing equipment. Any contemplated electrical load additions requiring significant amounts of power should be discussed in advance with the Manager and the Design & Construction Department..

Unscheduled Maintenance and Repair
Maintenance performed as the need arises is as follows:

  • Interior painting is performed when it is needed and when there will be a minimum of interference with classes and/or office routines.
  • General repairs which may require the service of roofers, masons, carpenters, locksmiths, plasterers, or other craftsmen. All these services are available as needed.

Emergency Maintenance and Repair
When situations are observed which appear to require immediate maintenance or repair attention to either prevent or resolve an emergency, these should be reported to the building manager or by telephone to area Building Maintenance, if during normal office hours. All other times, telephone reports of emergencies should be made to the Dispatcher, Georgia Tech Police Department, telephone number 894-2500, who is provided with a current emergency call list Building Maintenance personnel. The person to be contacted and/or who can point out the problem should also be provided.

Utility Interruptions
Provisions, including advance notice and duration, for interruptions to utilities permitting the contractor to make necessary connections and installations are contained in the contract specifications. The contractor is required to give notice to the owner (Georgia State Financing and Investment Commission) when an interruption is needed; they, in turn, contact the Vice President of Facilities Management. Facilities coordinates with Utilities Maintenance and replies to the owner. Utilities Maintenance then coordinates the actual interruption directly with the contractor; gives notifications of the scheduled interruptions to all Institute departments and activities involved; and arranges restoration of service.

Protection of Utilities
Electric, steam, communications, sewer, gas, chilled water, and domestic water lines are buried throughout the campus. These lines are a hazard to personnel digging or excavating in the vicinity of these lines and extreme caution should be taken to protect the lines from damage. Prior to any digging or excavation, the Manager of the Utilities Maintenance Department shall be notified. No digging may proceed until all Georgia Tech owned lines have been located by Georgia Tech personnel and all public utility lines have been located by the Locator Service and the Atlanta Water Department. Outside contractors are responsible for having all Georgia Tech owned lines located and for requesting Locator Service and Atlanta Water Department locator service.