Travel Advances

Travel Advances
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Policy Statement

Travel advances are not offered through the Institute using Institute funds. If travelers do not want to wait until after they return from a trip to be reimbursed for airfare, they can use direct billing via Travel Incorporated (see "Air Transportation").


Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) Travel Advances
Travel advances are available to support personnel in the performance of their professional responsibilities via GTRC. Travel Incorporated direct billing of airfare should be used to minimize requests. Because of the large amount of funds required for travel advances, the following procedures must be observed:

  1. Requests for travel advances are made on the Request for Travel Advance Form (or contract GTRC at 404-894-7043). The request form must be approved prior to preparation and release of travel advance checks by GTRC. A Georgia Tech Travel Authority form can be printed from the TechWorks Employee Travel & Expense System. It must accompany the Request for Travel Advance form.
  2. Requests for travel advances should be submitted to GTRC at least three business days before departure. Please avoid special "last minute" requests.
  3. Travel advances may not include airfare. Airfare should be directly billed via Travel Incorporated.
  4. Travel advance checks will be available no later than 12:00 Noon on the last working day before departure and are to be picked up in the GTRC office located in the Research Administration Building at 505 10th Street. Travel advance checks must be picked up prior to departure or will be considered null and void unless prior arrangements are made for pickup.
  5. Repayment of travel advance funds must be made in full no later than 15 working days after the employee's return to campus, or upon reimbursement of travel expenses - whichever comes FIRST. Repayment may be made in cash or personal checks payable to GTRC. Please keep the 15 day reimbursement in mind when submitting expenses.
  6. Reimbursement will be made to the traveler for the full amount of the travel expense submitted in the T&E System. The traveler is responsible for repaying the travel advance, in full, to GTRC.
  7. Only one travel advance may be outstanding from any individual at any time unless there is a sound, mitigating circumstance (for example, trip spaced less than 15 working days apart).
  8. Each month, GTRC will provide each School/Laboratory Director with a list of accounts that are significantly past due. If these accounts are not cleared within 10 working days, no advances will be issued to personnel of that School/Laboratory until the delinquent account is cleared. The individual involved will be issued no further advances for the next 12 months.