Ground Transportation (Mileage, Parking, Taxi and Rail)

Ground Transportation (Mileage, Parking, Taxi and Rail)
Type of Policy
Policy No
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Accounts Payable
Contact Name
Laura Jamison
Contact Title
Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

The purpose of this policy is to outline ground transportation requirements to Georgia Tech employees traveling on official business in compliance with University System of Georgia, State Accounting Office, and Georgia Tech travel policies.

Policy Statement

Authorized travel should be made via the most economical mode of transportation, consistent with the purpose of the travel. A careful analysis of the distance, timeliness, and overall cost factors of a trip should be considered.

Only authorized business expenses compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies will be reimbursed. If receipts are not available, an explanation must be given from the departure location to the destination location for each such item requested for reimbursement.


Use of Personal Vehicle for Campus Travel
Mileage for on-campus travel is not reimbursable.

Use of Personal Vehicle for Out-of-state Travel
Travel outside of Georgia will be reimbursed based on the lower of: (1) the lowest available coach airfare, or (2) the actual mileage rate. Meals and lodging en route to the destination may not be claimed for reimbursement during the period when the Traveler would not be en route if they were traveling by common air carrier. See Personal Vehicle Mileage Reporting below for additional information.

Use of Personal Vehicle for Travel to an Airport
Reimbursement for the use of a personal vehicle to travel to/from the home airport may be made for mileage reimbursement for one round-trip to and from an airport. Mileage is calculated from home or headquarters (whichever is closer) on regular workdays. If the Traveler is dropped off at the airport, only a one-way mileage reimbursement (from home or headquarters) may be claimed on day of departure and day of return. On weekends and holidays mileage may be reimbursed from the actual point of departure. See Personal Vehicle Mileage Reporting below for additional information.

Personal Vehicles Mileage Rate
Transportation expenses incurred for use of personally owned automobiles will be reimbursed at the rate per mile as provided by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). Reimbursement will only be allowed for actual miles traveled in the performance of official duties. The official State of Georgia rate is tied to the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA). The current mileage reimbursement rate for personally owned automobiles can be found in the State Accounting Office Mileage Policy.

Personal Vehicle Mileage Reporting
Travelers may be reimbursed for the mileage incurred from one point of departure to travel destinations as listed below:

  • If a Traveler departs from headquarters, mileage is calculated from headquarters to the destination point.
  • If a Traveler departs from his/her residence, mileage is calculated from the residence to the destination point, with a reduction for normal one-way commuting miles. For the return trip, if a Traveler returns to headquarters, mileage is calculated based on the distance to such headquarters.
  • If a Traveler returns to his/her residence, mileage is calculated based on the distance to the residence, with a reduction for normal one-way commuting miles.

Claims for mileage in excess of the most direct route from the point of departure to destination (due to field visits, picking up passengers, etc.) must be explained in the comments section of the expense report. When traveling with a personal vehicle, reimbursement for mileage to the travel destination should not exceed the equivalent total cost of transportation (i.e. airfare, airport parking, ground transportation etc.) at least two weeks in advance of the trip. A quote for total cost transportation is to be obtained from Georgia Tech’s travel management company for comparison with mileage for the trip. Reimbursement for mileage is limited to the official travel miles up to the total cost for transportation.

Other Expenses
In addition to the mileage reimbursement, a Traveler may be reimbursed for costs associated with official use of the vehicle. These costs include tolls and parking. Actual toll expenses may be reimbursed. A receipt should be provided when possible; if not, a written explanation should be in the comments section of the expense report for these items. Actual parking fees may be reimbursed. A receipt should be provided when possible; if not, a written explanation should be included in the comments section of the expense report for these items.

Point of Departure
If the date of departure is a weekend or holiday, the initial departure point will be the Traveler’s actual point of departure. If the date of departure is during a Traveler’s normal work week (regardless of time of day), the initial point of departure shall be the individual's residence or headquarters, whichever is nearer the destination.


Shuttle / Taxi / Other Public Transportation
Shuttle service, taxi or trolley fares may be reimbursed when actually incurred in connection with common carrier transportation to and from railroad, plane, bus terminals or meeting places if necessary. Taxi expenses related to personal travel are not reimbursable.
Although receipts are recommended, Travelers are not required to submit receipts for travel by mass transportation, taxi, or airport vans. An explanation must be given from the departure location to the destination location for each such item requested for reimbursement. All transportation expenses should be itemized in the expense report in Georgia Tech’s financial system.

Travel by Railroad
State agencies may reimburse Travelers for the actual cost of rail transportation, provided the appropriate personnel authorized the travel expense in advance. Travelers must obtain the lowest possible fare.


All Georgia Tech employees (faculty, staff, and students).

Policy Terms
TravelerEmployees (students, faculty, and staff) traveling on behalf of Georgia Tech.
5.1 Traveler

The Traveler is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization, supporting documentation and appropriate approval is obtained prior to the first day of travel.

5.2.Expense Preparer

An expense preparer may book travel reservations on behalf of the Traveler and is responsible for ensuring appropriate travel authorization and all required supporting documentation is obtained prior to the first day of travel.


Managers and supervisors, or their delegates, are responsible for:

  • Verifying the business purpose of the trip;
  • Verifying the trip is allowable;
  • Verifying the reasonableness of the cost of the trip;
  • Verifying the travel class is compliant with Georgia Tech and USG policies;
  • Verifying all required supporting documentation is submitted.

Travelers who are in violation of this policy may not receive reimbursement for travel expenses incurred.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s Ethics Hotline, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision DateAuthorDescription
12/2020Accounts PayableUpdated to align with WorkDay implementation.
04/ 2011Accounts PayablePolicy updates