GTRC & GTARC kcross8

Expenditures of GTRC and GTARC Unit Allocation and Grant Funds

Expenditures of GTRC and GTARC Unit Allocation and Grant Funds kcross8
Policy Owner
Georgia Tech Research Corp. (GTRC)
Contact Name
Neil Vitro
Contact Title
Senior Director of Accounting and Finance | GTRC/GTARC
Contact Email
Policy Statement

1.0 General Policy Statement

After payment of GTRC and GTARC (the Research Corporations) operating costs, residual funds may be made available for expenditure by GIT departments as unit allocation or grant funds by vote of the Research Corporations’ Boards of Trustees. The use of all unit allocation and grant funds held by the Research Corporations must be in accordance with the restrictions or intent of the allocation or grant and with Georgia Institute of Technology (GIT) policies and procedures. Expenditures of Research Corporation funds in support of GIT operations are to be recorded in Institute financial records. All transactions financed by Research Corporation allocations and grants are to be made through GIT in accordance with GIT business practices and procedures using GIT systems, except where there are specific prohibitions on the use of Institute funds or when prior approval of an individual transaction has been received from the the Executive Vice President for Research. These standard operating procedures are designed to minimize costs and duplication of effort and to enhance accountability.


2.0 Procedures 

2.1 Signature approval
As with the use of any GIT funds, faculty and staff are to use prudence and good business judgment when expending Research Corporation funds. Unit management is responsible for assuring the funds are used properly and has the responsibility and accountability for the use of funds consistent with all GIT and Research Corporation policies and procedures and applicable state and federal laws. Signature approval of the Expenditure Request Form submitted to the Research Corporations is necessary to indicate that the expenditure is consistent with any applicable restrictions imposed on the specific fund being used, in accordance with the purpose and mission of the Institute, and that adequate funds are available in the designated unit allocation or grant account to fund the expenditure. The approver must be the Dean, Vice President, or Director for the unit to which the allocation or grant was made or their authorized signature delegate.  Please see link below for Signature Authority Delegation Form that must be completed to delegate signature authority.

2.1 Expenditures processed through GIT
With the exception of expenses listed in section 2.2 below, business transactions financed by Research Corporation funds are to be processed through GIT in accordance with GIT policies and procedures using GIT systems. GIT procurement policies may be found at:

2.2 Expenditures processed through the Research Corporations
Unless permissible for payment by GIT under GIT policies, the following types of transactions may be submitted for direct payment by the Research Corporations using the GTRC & GTARC Unit Allocation and Grant Expenditure Request Form (see link to form below). All other transactions must be processed through GIT.

  1. Business Meetings and Events in support of the GIT research enterprise.  Please reference the following GIT policy: Business and Finance Procurement of Group Meals for Employees, Students, and Official Visitors 
  2. Employee Moving Expenses in support of the GIT research enterprise.  Please reference the following GIT policy:
  3. Membership Dues and Conference Registrations in support of the GIT research enterprise.
  4. Reimbursement of Tuition and Fees for GT employees.  Please reference the following GIT policy: Employee Benefits & Services | Policy Library | Georgia Institute of Technology | Atlanta, GA (

2.3 Exceptions to expenditure process policies

Any exceptions to sections 2.1 and 2.2 of this policy must be approved by the Executive Vice President for Research in writing prior to the expenditure of funds.

2.4 Project expenditure reports
Project expenditure reports generated by the Controller’s Office and GTRI Accounting reflect financial activity recorded to both GIT and Research Corporation records. The transaction details and amount of expenditures paid directly by the Research Corporations will be reported to the GIT Controller’s Office and GTRI Accounting on a regular basis for entry into the GIT and GTRI accounting systems as "Other Memo" expenditures to provide account managers with financial reports that reflect total project costs. Project budget and expenditure reports for these accounts are available in the Workday financial system.

Visit the GTRC / GTARC Website (Services for Researchers) for: 

  • Travel Services and Forms   

  • Laboratory Relocation for New Researchers Form

  • Expenditure Request Form

  • Education Assistance and Tuition Reimbursements Information