Filming and Photography on Campus

Filming and Photography on Campus
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Auxiliary Services, Associate Vice President
Contact Name
Julie Birchfield
Contact Title
Assistant Director - Film Logistics and Business Development
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

Georgia Tech receives requests from students, non-profit organizations, and commercial entities who want to use the Campus as a backdrop for photography, film, or video. This policy protects the daily operations of education, research, other campus activities, and the Institute’s reputation and brand while appropriately supporting Georgia’s film industry.  

This policy also serves to define parameters and provide direction to guide Commercial Photographers who sometimes freely move about the campus and inside campus buildings and other spaces without permission.

Policy Statement

The Filming and Photography on Campus policy applies to any third-party entity, company, or organization and to students, faculty, staff, or members of the Institute, regardless of relationship, using a third-party vendor.

Third-party entities are required to obtain prior approval before using or representing any space inside a classroom building, conference building, research building, or outdoor space on Campus for filming or photography.  Restrictions may include, but are not limited to prohibiting filming during busy periods of the fall, spring, and summer semesters, the week of final exams, and the reading period before final exams. Academic courses, campus events, and other campus activities will have priority for any use of Campus space. Requests from commercial entities and non-profit organizations for filming and photography will be reviewed and consideration will be given to those productions that best complement Georgia Tech’s role as a public institution of higher education. Approved activities should be in alignment with our strategic goals and mission, as well as complementary to the Institute’s well-respected brand. 

External requests for filming and photo shoots that do not distract from or interfere with Georgia Tech’s education, research, and other campus activities and operations may be considered during the semester on a case-by-case basis.  International film requests must also be vetted through the Office of the General Counsel.

Requests from Georgia Tech students, student groups, departments, and cooperative and/or affiliated organizations for filming and photo shoots may be granted based upon the availability and approval of the location requested and the content and purpose of the filming and photo shoot.  Filming associated with a course for academic credit will take priority over all other requests to film from the GT community.  If a request is made for a film or photo shoot by a member of the GT community, and the production includes the use of a third-party vendor, the use of the third-party vendor for any element of filming or photography production will be evaluated for payment purposes on a case-by-case basis.

All requests for temporary changes to Campus structures for Film Production purposes inside buildings or at outdoors facilities on Campus must be reviewed and approved by the Associate Director of Construction Services or his/her designee prior to any alterations, including but not limited to, building sets on Campus property.

All requests for filming and photo shoots on Georgia Tech Campus that involve use of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS), aka drones, must also be immediately submitted to the Georgia Tech Police Department and any proposed sUAS usage must comply with applicable Georgia Tech policies and procedures, applicable local and state laws, and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. In addition, Aviation Liability coverage subject to Georgia Tech minimal Insurance requirement must be included on a Certificate of Insurance.

Approval of filming and photo shoot requests is required prior to filming as evidenced by an executed license agreement between the Institute and the filming or photographing entity.

Labor and expense reporting is required by all Georgia Tech employees engaged in supporting a film or photo shoots. Employees must complete the Labor and Expense form ( provided by the Georgia Tech Controller’s Office, at least once a year, to ensure compliance with federal and state tax laws.

Refer to the CPSM website at for additional information and applicable procedures


The Filming and Photography on Campus policy applies to any third-party entity, company, or organization and to students, faculty, staff, or members of the Institute, regardless of relationship, using a third-party vendor.

Georgia Tech students, student groups, departments, and cooperative and/or affiliated organizations may make requests for filming and photo shoots, which may be granted based upon the availability and approval of the location requested and the content and purpose of the filming and photo shoot. Filming associated with a course for academic credit will take priority over all other requests to film from the GT community.  If a request is made for a film or photo shoot by a member of the GT community, and the production includes the use of a third-party vendor, the use of the third-party vendor for any element of filming or photography production will be evaluated for payment purposes on a case-by-case basis.

Private photography, such as photography for weddings and receptions that are located in a single Event Facility for the duration of their photo shoot, do not fall under this policy.  Such photography activities must be coordinated through the Event Manager of the Event Facility.

News organizations, as defined by Institute Communications (IC), do not fall under this policy, but are required to coordinate on-campus visits through IC.

For the purpose of this policy, Campus facilities are divided into three sub-groups – Event Facilities, Academic Facilities, and Outdoor Facilities.

Policy Terms

Academic Facilities

Classroom and lecture hall buildings whose primary function is serving as a space for instruction, study, research, and other academic functions.


Institute-owned or leased buildings, grounds, and property including but not limited to certain sidewalks and streets within campus boundaries. 

Commercial Filming and Photography

Commercial filming and photography activities are those activities conducted with the intent of deriving revenue and associated profit through the distribution of assets captured in such activities.

Commercial Photography

Any photographer or videographer who is or works for a commercial entity.

Event Venues

Campus facilities whose primary function is to serve as an event space and/or serving in an event hosting capacity, which includes but is not limited to athletic or recreation venues. It is not the primary mission of these spaces to serve as a meeting space for academic classes or study areas.

Film Production

Any for-profit or non-profit commercial production, movie, television, commercial (advertisement), video, and documentary filming project.

Film Production Company

Filming company and its representatives. Any individual directly or contracted vendors involved with film production.

Georgia Tech Filming and/or Commercial Photography Location License Agreements

Georgia Tech Filming and/or Commercial Photography Location License Agreements (GT Location License Agreement) are the contractual agreements used to govern all filming and commercial photography on campus for specific film productions or photo shoots.

Limited Scope - Small Film Production (For Event Venues only)

Any production that is located in a single Event Venue for the duration of its film production or photo shoot.

Outdoor Facilities

Campus hardscape and landscape used for athletics and recreation, or for pathways or sidewalks for pedestrian circulation among different areas of the campus.


Capital Planning and Space Management
Capital Planning and Space Management (CPSM) is responsible for reviewing requests for filming and still photography on Campus. CPSM will consider the potential for campus disruption from filming projects and photography requests as part of the approval process.  Academic courses, campus events, and other campus activities will have priority for any use of Campus space.

CPSM is responsible for notifying Institute Communications of any request for filming or photography on Campus that passes initial logistical considerations such as dates, locations, and schedule.

CPSM has oversight of the Film Logistics Committee (FLC) review process and may weigh campus concerns when considering the final authorization of a filming or photography request.  CPSM should receive the initial request for filming and photography projects to allow for sufficient time for review. Suggestions regarding submission timelines can be found at CPSM shall decide if the request, via the application, warrants further consideration from the FLC.

All Institute departments that reserve space for filming and photography must follow the same procedures and guidelines for use of Campus space. All cooperative and/or affiliated organizations and Georgia Tech departments must coordinate all requests for filming or photography on the Georgia Tech campus through CPSM.

Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance
The Executive Vice President for Administration and Finance is responsible for final approval for filming and photography on Campus.

Fire Safety Office
The Film Production Company must submit all required site drawings and documents to the Fire Safety Office for review. The Fire Safety Office is responsible for reviewing the layout, determining mitigation measures, if any, to correct flaws in the submission materials where they do not meet local, state, or federal codes and other requirements.  Layouts must be submitted and approval by the Fire Safety Office must be provided before production or filming is permitted.

Institute Communications
Institute Communications (IC) is responsible for reviewing the content of filming projects and photography requests as part of the approval process to protect the Institute’s reputation and brand.  IC will review requests that have passed initial logistical consideration by CPSM regarding content issues.  In addition, IC will evaluate any request that involves the use of the Georgia Tech brand and/or trademarks, logos, images, and symbols, such as the iconic Tech Tower or Campanile. IC is also responsible for evaluating the need to announce the activity to the broader campus community, and will do so if it is deemed to have a significant impact on the campus.

Insurance and Claims Management
The Georgia Tech Office of Insurance and Claims Management is responsible for determining insurance requirements for each Production held on Campus in accordance with Board of Regents and Institute requirements.  Certificates of insurance must be submitted and approval by the Office of Insurance and Claims Management must be provided before production or filming is permitted.

If sUAS are being used to film, an Aviation Liability endorsement must be included in the Certificate of Insurance.

Office of the General Counsel
The Georgia Tech Office of the General Counsel is responsible for the review of all location license agreements before any film production or commercial photography is permitted on Campus.

The Georgia Tech Police Department is responsible for the security of all campus property. City of Atlanta permits are required for city street closures. Any private security company hired by the Film Production Company must report to and coordinate with the Georgia Tech Police Department.


Procedures outlined in “Brief Outline of Steps and Contacts for Filming and Still Photography” on the CPSM website at  are required for compliance with this Filming and Photography on Campus policy.

Film productions and photography shoots on Campus that fail to comply with applicable policies and procedures may be subject to the cancellation of the remainder of the project unless a mutually agreeable solution can be reached. If a film or photography project is canceled due to behavior that is contrary to Georgia Tech policies and procedures, any pre-paid deposit will be non-refundable. Additionally, depending on how much time has lapsed, other fees that were charged may still be owed to Georgia Tech.

To report suspected instances of ethical violations, please visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at:

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
11-11-2019 Capital Planning and Space Management Policy updates
4-11-2016 Capital Planning and Space Management New Policy