Make-Up Classes Scheduled Following the Cancellation of Classes

Make-Up Classes Scheduled Following the Cancellation of Classes
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Office of the Provost
Policy Owners
Office of the Provost
Contact Name
Laurence Jacobs, Sr Vice Provost for Education and Learning
Reta Pikowsky, Registrar
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

This policy sets forth plans, procedures, responsibilities, and requirements related to the scheduling of make-up classes due to the cancellation of classes, closing of campus, or the necessary closing of instructional spaces for any reason, but most commonly due to inclement weather.

This policy is intended to provide guidelines and probable approach to the scheduling of make-up of regular classes. This policy may need to be revisited frequently to ensure consistency with emergency preparedness guidelines, best practices, and new information or knowledge. Due to the inherent unpredictable nature of the cancellation of classes, not all possible scenarios can be predicted or accounted for. Actual specific plans will be determined for each such case and will work to maximize the educational experience and success of the students while allowing some flexibility for faculty members to respond in a manner consistent with their course format and teaching style. Lab courses and other specially scheduled classes may be managed differently as circumstances dictate.

Policy Statement

Should it become necessary for the Institute to cancel classes for three (3) or more days (or the equivalent) within a single academic term – before the 11th week of a regular term (after approximately 70% of the term has passed) – a make-up course schedule held during pre-scheduled make-up days will be established.

  • If classes are cancelled for less than three days, make-up days are not required to be made up unless so directed by the Provost. If classes are cancelled for more than five days (or the equivalent) in a single academic term, additional make-up days – beyond the pre-scheduled make-up days – may be necessary. Additional make-up days will be set at the discretion of the Provost.

This policy addresses scheduling make-up class sessions (both undergraduate and graduate) for regular classes missed due to a closure of the campus (or a portion of the campus) or cancelling of classes. Due to the unique nature lab sections and other specially scheduled classes may be managed differently and those arrangements will be announced as appropriate to the circumstances.

This policy pertains to courses taught as part of any Georgia Tech academic degree program on the Atlanta campus and does not govern non-credit, short courses, certificate programs, and courses taught on other GT campuses and locations.


Regular classes Classes that meet in the typical 50 and 80 minute sessions on the regular block schedule. Make-up classes for missed lab classes and other specially scheduled classes will be addressed as appropriate to the circumstances.
Make-Up Classes Classes that are rescheduled at a later date and time in place of regularly scheduled class sessions that have been cancelled by the Institute.
Virtual Classes Any class meeting held via an electronic medium.
Pre-Scheduled Make-up Days Weekend days designated on the academic calendar and held late in the term to hold make-up classes, if needed and set forth in accordance with this policy.


5.1 Institute-wide Cancellation of Classes
Institute-wide Cancellations of three (3) or more days (or the equivalent) If classes are cancelled for three (3) or more days (or the equivalent) within a single academic term before the 11th week of a regular term (or approximately 70% of the term has passed), a make-up course schedule will be established by the Institute. If Instructors wish to schedule make-up class sessions – whether physical or virtual meetings, they must follow the make-up class schedule. Students cannot be penalized for missing a virtual or physical make-up class.
Pre-Scheduled Make-up Days Each term, the Institute will establish and include in the academic calendar a pre-determined weekend – in the last ¼ of the term – that will serve as the pre-scheduled days for make-up classes. Should it become necessary for the Institute to establish a make-up class schedule, it will be held during these pre-scheduled make-up days.
Virtual Class Sessions If the Institute decides to cancel classes or close the campus (or a portion of the campus) for any amount of time, instructional faculty are welcomed to hold virtual classes using instructional technology, social media or other available electronic means. (See further procedure in 5.3 below regarding virtual classes).
Cancellations late in the term If classes are cancelled during or after the 11th week, in a regular term, ( after approximately 70% of the term has passed) make-up scheduling may not be implemented and would be determined by the administration based on circumstances.
5.2 Make-up Class schedule
Establishing and announcing the Make-Up Schedule The timing and specifics of the course make-up schedule will be determined by the Registrar’s office (in consultation with the Office of the Provost, the College Deans’ Offices and the Office of Space Planning and Capital Management) and will be announced within one week after the last day of cancelled classes triggering the make-up schedule.
Faculty Requirement to hold make-up classes The purpose of the schedule is to avoid class scheduling conflicts for the students and to assign classroom space. Typically, instructors are not required to offer make-up class sessions. If they do wish to schedule make up class sessions – whether physical or virtual meetings, they must follow the make-up class schedule. It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify the students in a timely manner of the make-up class session.
Student Participation Student attendance at make-up class sessions is strongly recommended, but students cannot be penalized for missing a virtual or rescheduled class. In planning make-up work and classes, faculty members should recognize and be sensitive to students’ work, family and other obligations.
In-class grading and new assignments In-class tests, quizzes, or other graded assignments cannot be administered and assignments cannot be due during a rescheduled class session. New assignments cannot be announced or given during a rescheduled class session.
Distance Learning Classes Make-up class sessions for courses with attached Q-sections will be scheduled in DL equipped classrooms to ensure the ability to record the make-up lecture for the online students.
Allowing for Extraordinary Circumstances

The Office of the Provost, in consultation with the President, may adjust this policy as required by unforeseen and specific circumstances.

Should the number of days of cancelled classes become extraordinary, holding make-up class sessions may be required, and students may be required to attend the make-up sessions.

5.3 Virtual Classes
Campus Protocols and Student Privacy Any virtual or electronic classroom session should comply with Institute virtual classroom protocols and FERPA policies, paying particular attention to privacy of student identity and academic information.
Suggested Online Formats Suggested formats that lend to the protection of student privacy are:
GT Online: Make-up lectures will be recorded in a DL classroom at the scheduled make-up time. The recording will be posted in GTcourses. The professor can request access for non-DL students. Students must authenticate to gain access.

Registrar – Establish the dates of the pre-scheduled make-up days each term and establish additional details of make-up schedules as required by this policy.

Instructional Faculty – Communicate clearly and timely with students any plans for make-up classes consistent with the Institute established make-up schedule.

GTOnline - Confirm with instructional faculty the method and timing of their makeup lectures. Communicate to all online students how to access their makeup lecture if one is available.

Provost – oversee the implementation of this policy and determine when unforeseen or specific circumstances require deviation from the stated policy.


To report suspected instances of noncompliance with this policy, please visit

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
05/06/2016 Office of the Provost Updated Policy