Fuel Card Use Policy

Fuel Card Use Policy
Type of Policy
Effective Date
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Facilities Fleet Services
Contact Name
Samuel Evans III
Contact Title
Associate Director of Fleet Management
Contact Email
Reason for Policy

As part of the University System of Georgia (USG), Georgia Tech adheres to overarching state policies regarding fueling state owned vehicles and equipment. The Georgia Department of Administrative Services Office of Fleet Management (DOAS/OFM) established the Statewide Fuel Standards & Guidelines, which serves as the primary policy document governing the use of fuel cards for fueling state-owned vehicles and equipment. All Georgia Tech owned or controlled vehicles and equipment must be fueled by using the State of Georgia fuel card.

The purpose of this policy is to establish uniform procedures, accountability and controls for fueling motor vehicles and equipment owned or controlled by Georgia Tech.

Policy Statement

All Georgia Tech departments that hold or control motor vehicles and equipment must comply with the Georgia Tech Fuel Card Use Policy and Procedures found on the Fleet Service website. On-campus, PIN users must utilize the Georgia Tech Bulk Fuel Site located at Georgia Tech Fleet Services. NO EXCEPTIONS. Use of off-site gas stations is a secondary resource.


This policy applies to all Georgia Tech departments that own or control motor vehicles and equipment.


Bulk Fuel site The fueling facility located on campus.
DOAS/OFM Department of Administrative Services Office of Fleet Management.
FMIS Fleet Management Information System
Georgia Tech Faculty and Staff Georgia Tech employees, students, temporary staff.
Off-site Purchase Any purchases of fuel completed away from Georgia Tech main campus.
WEX Wright Express

All departments who own or control vehicles and equipment must follow Georgia Tech Fuel Card Use Policy and Procedures found on Fleet Services website. http://facilities.gatech.edu/fleet_services/index.php

DOAS/OFM – DOAS/OFM fueling policy sets out many of the procedures for state – owned or controlled vehicles and equipment within Statewide Fuel Card Standards & Guidelines, and the Georgia Fleet Management Manual including:

5.1 Use of Fuel Card
Criteria for Obtaining a Personal Identification Number (PIN)
  • Must be a Georgia Tech employees, students, or employee with sponsor funded program.
  • Completion of the Fuel Card Application Process which includes:
    1. Signed PIN and User Agreement Form
    2. Completion of on-line Fuel Card training
    3. Completion of on-line Class C Operator Safety training.
  • All participants must complete an on-line annual recertification.
Allowable Purchases Georgia Tech fuel card shall only be used to purchase fuel for Georgia Tech owned or controlled vehicles and equipment used for official business.
Prohibited Purchases The following types of purchases are strictly prohibited by State policy. No exceptions will be granted unless otherwise indicated and in writing.
  1. Personal purchases of any kind, including fuel for personal vehicles, non-State vehicle.
  2. Cash advances
  3. Gift cards
  4. Alcoholic beverages
  5. Tobacco products
  6. Food, ice, beverages or related items including “snacks’ while traveling on official business
  7. Other purchases not specifically allowed under Allowable Purchases.
No exceptions will be granted unless otherwise indicated and in writing.
Mileage Entry and Meter Rejects Accurate mileage is the lifeblood of good fuel management and it is necessary for Georgia Tech Fleet Services to effectively monitor vehicle utilization, track vehicle preventive maintenance compliance , predict accurate vehicle cost-per-mile, understand vehicle fuel miles-per-gallon, forecast vehicle carbon footprints, calculate optimal vehicle lifecycles and other mileage related activities.
  • Drivers of Georgia Tech vehicles are required to enter the correct odometer reading (excluding tenths of miles) at the time of fuel purchase when prompted.
  • In the event the vehicle operator makes an error in the odometer reading entry, the driver should contact Georgia Tech Fleet Services with the correct information.
Bulk Fuel Sites
  • DOAS/OFM has provided necessary interfaces to enter bulk fuel data into the statewide Fleet Management Information System (FMIS).
  • All fuel obtained from bulk fuel site shall be properly documented and entered into DOAS/OFM’s management information system within five (5) business days following the original transaction date.
Declared Emergencies and Natural Disasters The Georgia Procurement Manual (GPM) grants authority to forego standard procurement requirements for needs arising from unforeseen causes. In cases involving the welfare of the general public, extreme weather conditions, or officially declared emergencies, the Program Administrator is allowed to obtain after-the-fact approval for exceptions to this policy.
Define and document use of fuel card The Wright Express card is the only fuel card authorized for use by employees of Georgia Tech. The Institute may not provide or subscribe to any other fuel programs or services, systems, or products other than those provided by DOAS/OFM.
Method for reporting fraudulent use
  • Wright Express Fuel System alerts Georgia Tech Fleet Services automatically of any unauthorized purchases.
  • Georgia Tech Fleet Services reviews all questionable transactions.
  • Georgia Tech Fleet Services informs the department supervisor regarding any employee who committed apparent misuse or fuel card fraud.
Georgia Tech Fleet Services immediately notifies Internal Audit and DOAS/OFM and provides pertinent information gathered regarding apparent misuse or fraud.
Managers / Supervisors Georgia Tech Managers and/or Supervisors must review the monthly record of all fuel card transactions to ensure drivers are in compliance with current published policies regarding purchase of fuel. Drivers are not allowed to approve their own fuel transactions. Manager or Supervisor review and approval is required without exception. The Manager or Supervisor should ensure the review is accomplished monthly. The Manager or Supervisor should contact Georgia Tech Fleet Services regarding any discrepancies.
Fueling state owned or controlled vehicle and equipment All Georgia Tech vehicles must be fueled using the state issued fuel card. For vehicles not using the fuel card, (diesel fueled) all transactions must be filed with Georgia Tech Fleet Services on the 10th of every month for the previous calendar month listing the vehicle by state ID, VIN, # of transactions, the total gallons, and the actual cost per gallon. Vehicles that go more than 90 days without reporting activity, will, within the following 10 days, be surrendered to Surplus at DOAS for redistribution or sale. Georgia Tech Fleet Services will provide a template for reporting all fuel transactions. http://facilities.gatech.edu/fleet_services/index.php
Fueling Operations

Georgia Tech Fleet Services maintains and operates bulk fuel dispenser tanks for the main campus. The cost of the fuel is below market rate. Georgia Tech Fleet Service is the primary fueling source for fueling requirements for the main campus. This offers the best value and all employees are encouraged to utilize the campus facility rather than purchase fuel offsite.

NOTE: There are currently two types of fuel cards available for Georgia Tech vehicles. Each card type provides specific parameters use with few exceptions.

“Blue” cards are designated for passenger carrying cars and light duty trucks. “Red” cards are designated for equipment. Equipment examples are lawn mowers, weed-eaters, and equipment that can be fueled from a small gas can. Exceptions include “Red” card usage for short term rental cars and for immediate fueling of a newly acquired vehicle until the “Blue” card arrives.

  • All fuel will be purchased using the State fuel card provided by DOAS/OFM unless procured from the Georgia Tech bulk site for diesel fuel.
  • Georgia Tech is not authorized to have separate commercial fuel card accounts. Fuel shall not be purchased with state Procurement Card or other commercial fuel credit cards.
  • Gasoline powered vehicles will use only regular unleaded 87 octane fuel. Higher cost/grade fuel usage is only permitted if required by the vehicle operations manual provided by the manufacturer for that vehicle. Flexible fuel vehicles (FFV’s) can operate on straight unleaded gasoline or any percentage of ethanol up to 85%. Georgia Tech Fleet Services and DOAS/OFM will monitor this area for compliance.
  • All vehicle drivers/operators are required to record accurate mileage of vehicle at the time of any fuel purchase. Whether this is done through an automated fuel dispensing equipment system or manually at Georgia Tech bulk fuel site, entries must be accurate.
  • Each driver (by name) will be assigned a specific individualized Personal Identification Number (PIN). This PIN can be used by an individual with any card on his/her Georgia Tech account and serves as a digital signature. Generic PINs are prohibited (such as one PIN for an office/department). Vehicle numbers will not be used as a PIN. PIN numbers will not be written on the card. Compromised PINs will be cancelled immediately.
  • The “Red” fuel card can be used for short-term commercial rental vehicles if the operators do not have any other form of payment and submit receipts as part of travel expenses to the agency.
  • If a card is lost or stolen, it will be cancelled immediately.
  • Sharing of PINs between employees, students or departments is STRICTLY PROHIBITED
If a vehicle is transferred, sold or submitted to surplus, the card will be cancelled immediately.

In addition to DOAS, the Georgia Tech Fleet Services has procedures in place to help with fuel card use procedures:

5.2 Program Procedures
Ensure Compliance
Criteria for obtaining a fuel card
  • A separate fuel card will be issued for each vehicle. Georgia Tech must obtain the initial fuel card through DOAS/OFM to ensure the card contains all necessary vehicle information and correct fuel data postings for each vehicle in the DOAS/OFM Management System. At no time shall fuel products for any other vehicle/use be charged to a fuel card issued for a specific vehicle.
  • The “Red” card is designated only for the purchase of fuel for secondary storage tanks for dispensing fuel at work sites as well as portable fuel cans or gas tanks and for use in portable and motorized equipment, lawn tractors, mowers, and emergency use. The “Red” fuel card is only available via a Red Fuel Card Request Form.
  • Ongoing reviews of all fuel bills will be performed for possible fraud. Possible fraud will be investigated by the Georgia Tech Internal Audit Department. Georgia Tech discipline policies will be followed for employees found to have committed fraud, to include termination and possible prosecution.

All Georgia Tech departments who own or control vehicles are responsible for compliance with this policy.

The Fleet Coordinator/Fuel Card Administrator will: 

  • Maintain knowledge of State Fuel Policy and internal procedures on use of Fuel Card.
  • Obtain PIN for card users upon request of department Supervisor or Manager.
  • Activate or deactivate cardholders in the Wright Fuel Express System.
  • Monitor transaction and card activity to ensure that all purchases are for legitimate Institute business use.
  • Review all invoices and transaction logs.
  • Review logs used to record fuel purchases for secondary or portable fuel tanks and cans made on “Red” Cards.
  • Submit Wright Express monthly invoice statements and departmental billing for payment according to internally established procedures through Georgia Tech Business Office.

Internal Audit
Ongoing reviews of all fuel bills will be performed for possible fraud. Possible fraud will be investigated by the Georgia Tech Internal Audit Department. Georgia Tech discipline policies will be followed for employees found to have committed fraud, to include termination and possible prosecution.

Managers and Supervisors
Managers and supervisors of departments who own or control Georgia Tech vehicles are responsible for verifying that all required fuel card training is completed. Please review the Allowable Expenses Policy and Matrix for additional information.


Any misuse of the card will result in reasonable disciplinary action that may include a combination of the following:

Suspension of Fuel PIN Access:

  • a. Users who fail to do the following will have their PIN suspended without exception.
    • Repeated failure to document all fuel transactions on the official Fuel Transaction Log.
    • Repeated failure to document correct odometer reading when fueling vehicles.
  • b. Users suspected of possible fraudulent use, misuse, or abuse of the fuel card shall have their PIN suspended without exception.
    • Note: PINs will only be reactivated when the PIN user’s Supervisor has reviewed the audit information provided by DOAS/OFM. DOAS/OFM must restore privileges in this case.


Fuel card PIN will be terminated once fraudulent use, misuse, or abuse has been investigated and determine as such.

Optional: To report suspected instances of non-compliance with this policy, please contact Georgia Tech Fleet Services at (404) 385-4232, GTFleet@gatech.edu or visit Georgia Tech’s EthicsPoint, a secure and confidential reporting system, at: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/report_custom.asp?clientid=7508

Policy History
Revision Date Author Description
July 2015 Facilities Fleet Services