3.3.6 Promotion

3.3.6 Promotion abruneau3

Board of Regents Policy Manual, Section 8.3.6

Minimum expectations in all professorial ranks are: 

  • Excellent teaching and effectiveness in instruction; 

  • Noteworthy involvement in student success activities, as evidenced by activities within teaching and instruction, academic achievement, and service; 

  • Noteworthy professional service to the Institute and/or the community; 

  • Noteworthy research, scholarship, creative activity or academic achievement; and 

  • Continuous professional growth and development, within the context of rank and responsibilities. 

More details are provided in Section 3.3.7.  

Noteworthy achievement in all of the above areas is not required but should be demonstrated in at least three (3) areas. A written recommendation should be submitted by the head of the unit concerned setting forth the reasons for promotion. The Faculty member’s length of service with the Institute shall be taken into consideration in determining whether or not the faculty member should be promoted. 

In accordance with Regents’ policy for Research Universities, promotion to the rank of Associate Professor or Professor additionally requires the earned doctorate or its equivalent in training, ability, and/or experience. Neither the possession of a doctorate nor longevity of service is a guarantee per se of promotion. 

Any promotion denied for budgetary reasons alone shall be considered as deferred until sufficient funds become available.

Guidelines for Promotion 

From Instructor to Assistant Professor 

  • A doctorate in an appropriate discipline or experience which is of value comparable to the doctorate in preparing the candidate for the role of an educator; 

  • Clear evidence of effective teaching and involvement in student success activities; and 

  • Clear evidence of creativity. 

From Assistant to Associate Professor 

  • Sufficient time in rank. Generally, five (5) or more years in rank are expected. Four (4) years in rank at the time of promotion, at least two (2) of them at Georgia Tech, or two (2) years of relevant professional experience plus two (2) years as an Assistant Professor at Georgia Tech, are a minimum requirement. Credit for previous academic or professional experience must be explicitly stated at the time of employment. Faculty may be considered for promotion with less than the required minimum four years in rank listed above. However, these cases would require strong justification and prior approval by the president before the promotion documentation is submitted; 

  • A doctorate in an appropriate discipline or experience which is of value comparable to the doctorate in preparing the candidate for the role of an educator; 

  • Clear evidence of effective teaching and involvement in student success activities; 

  • Clear evidence of creativity while at Georgia Tech; and 

  • Clear evidence of contributions to Georgia Tech in meaningful ways by service to the Institute, to the public, or to appropriate professional organizations. 

A candidate for promotion to Associate Professor should satisfy the first four (4) of these qualifications. Marginal qualifications in any of these areas might be compensated for by strength in the fifth. 

From Associate Professor to Professor 

  • Sufficient time in rank. Generally, six (6) or more years in rank are expected. Four (4) years of relevant professional experience at the time of promotion, at least two (2) of them at Georgia Tech, or two (2) years of relevant professional experience plus two (2) years as an Associate Professor at Georgia Tech are considered a minimum requirement before promotion. Credit for previous academic or professional experience should be explicitly stated at the time of employment. Faculty may be considered for promotion with less than the required minimum four years in rank listed above. However, these cases would require strong justification and prior approval by the president before the promotion documentation is submitted; 

  • A doctorate in an appropriate discipline or experience which is of value comparable to the doctorate in preparing the candidate for the role of an educator; 

  • Significant contributions as an educator; 

  • Clear evidence of significant involvement in student success activities; 

  • Clear evidence of significant creativity; 

  • Evidence that the candidate is making substantial contributions to Georgia Tech by service to the Institute, to the public, or to the profession; and 

  • Broad recognition in terms of visiting professorships, invitations to give papers or seminars, memberships on national committees, offices in professional societies, or other appropriate honors. 

A candidate for promotion to Professor should satisfy clearly the first five (5) of these qualifications and should have some demonstrable accomplishments in the sixth and seventh.