2.6.15 Academic Integrity Committee

2.6.15 Academic Integrity Committee abruneau3

The Academic Integrity Committee shall consist of:

  • Three (3) members elected from the Academic Faculty, including at least two (2) tenured or tenure-track;
  • The Chair of the Student Honor Committee;
  • One (1) undergraduate student with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association;
  • One (1) graduate student selected by the Graduate Student Government Association; and
  • The student Chair of the Student Honor Advisory Council. 

The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected faculty members.  The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee.

The Committee shall:

  • Assess and benchmark the nature of academic misconduct at Georgia Tech and in the nation.
  • Examine, assess, and recommend to the Academic Faculty methods and programs that can enhance the level of academic integrity at Georgia Tech.
  • Review, assess, and benchmark the current organizational structure, processes, and procedures for enforcing the Student Honor Code and for hearing cases of academic misconduct.  The Committee shall make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty to improve this system.
  • May investigate and recommend to the Academic Faculty alternate methods of dispute resolution that could enhance the administration of the Student Honor Code at Georgia Tech.
  • Work in parallel with the Student Honor Advisory Council to promote the Student Honor Code as an integral part of academic values at Georgia Tech.