2.6.11 Student Activities Committee

2.6.11 Student Activities Committee abruneau3

The Student Activities Committee shall consist of:

  • Five (5) members of the Academic Faculty;
  • the Dean of Students;
  • One (1) graduate Student selected by the Graduate Student Government Association; and
  • Two (2) undergraduate Students with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association.

The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members.  The Chair shall appoint the Secretary from among the remaining members of the Committee.

The Committee shall:

  • Receive and consider all proposed changes in any Constitution of the Student Body and make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty.
  • Consider for approval all charters of student organizations recommended by the Student Government Association and make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty.
  • Originate or receive, review, and recommend to the Academic Faculty all changes in regulations for the Student Government concerning social fraternities and sororities, clubs, societies, student housing, student publications, intramural athletics, the Georgia Tech Student Center, and other student organizations and activities.
  • Review all proposals from the Student Government to the President recommending the amount and distribution of student activities fees.