2.6.10 Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee

2.6.10 Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee abruneau3

The Student Academic and Financial Affairs Committee shall consist of

  • Five (5) members of the Academic Faculty, including at least three (3) tenured or tenure-track;
  • The Registrar, who shall be the Secretary;
  • One (1) graduate Student selected by the Graduate Student Government Association;
  • Two (2) undergraduate Students with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association; and
  • The Administrator in charge of the Georgia Tech Counseling Center who shall be an ex officio member without voting rights.

The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Academic Faculty members. 

The Committee shall annually review and make appropriate recommendations to the Academic Faculty concerning:

  • The system for academic advising;
  • Policy governing the academic standing and classification of Students;
  • Both graduate and undergraduate financial aid programs;
  • The counseling and career planning program; and
  • The orientation program for new Students.

In addition, the Committee shall:

  • Establish and periodically review the qualifications for a Student to receive academic honors and prizes and advise the office or the individual responsible for the formal programs at which such awards are presented.
  • Originate or receive and make recommendations regarding all changes in policy, criteria, or procedures regarding Student admission and readmission to the undergraduate programs of the Institute.Originate or receive and make recommendations regarding all changes in policy, criteria, or procedures regarding Student admission and readmission to the undergraduate programs of the Institute.
  • Approve all intercollegiate schedules of extracurricular activities, such as athletics and debate, including post season athletic events.
  • Approve all institutional functions for which excused absences from classes for the Students involved are to be granted.