2.6.6 Welfare and Security Committee

2.6.6 Welfare and Security Committee abruneau3

The Welfare and Security Committee shall consist of:

  • Five (5) Faculty members elected by the Faculty, including at least one member each from tenured/tenure-track, non-tenure-track academic, and research faculty;
  • One (1) Staff member recommended by the Staff Council and appointed by the Faculty Executive Board;
  • One (1) Undergraduate Student with at least junior standing selected by the Undergraduate Student Government Association;
  • One (1) Graduate Student selected by the Graduate Student Government Association; and
  • Four (4) ex-officio members, without a vote: the Georgia Tech Police Chief, the Vice President for Facilities Management, the Director of Environment Health & Safety, and the Director of Research Security, or their designees.

The Chair shall be elected annually by the Committee from among the elected Faculty members.  The Chair shall appoint a Secretary from among the other members.

The Committee shall review the policies and procedures governing institutional functions concerned with health, safety, and the general welfare, including campus planning, campus security, parking, safety and fire protection, radiation safety, civil defense, Auxiliary Services, and the Health Center. A comprehensive review of each function should be conducted at least once every two years. The Committee will annually provide recommendations from such reviews to the Faculty Executive Board.

The Committee shall coordinate with the Campus Physical Environmental Committee of the Staff Council regarding matters of common concern, including joint recommendations when appropriate.