Student Government Associations

Student Government Associations jbarber32

Graduate Student Government Association

Graduate Student Government Association jbarber32

The purpose of the Georgia Tech Graduate Student Government Association is to represent the graduate student body in all matters concerning academics, welfare, administration, social activities, and other matters specific to graduate students; to work with the Office of Vice Provost for Graduate and Undergraduate Studies and the Office of Dean of Students in promoting greater recognition of graduate education on and off campus; to promote closer graduate student-faculty-administration relations; and to stimulate interest in and appreciation of graduate education both on and off campus.

For Graduate Student Government Association Policies,* please see:

*For the purposes of student government autonomy, these policies are not subject to the Student Regulations Process (i.e., Institute Gradrate Committee and Academic Senate) as outlined in the Institute Policy Development and Life Cycle Process.

Undergraduate Student Government Association

Undergraduate Student Government Association jbarber32
Review Date

"The Institute recognizes that students may become involved constructively in efforts of individuals and organizations to improve physical and social conditions of the Institute, to increase the effectiveness of the Institute, to increase the effectiveness of the processes of learning and development of maturity, and to create larger opportunities for self-government characterized by orderly procedures and the exercise of mature judgment."
                                                              --Statute 2.5.4 of the Georgia Institute of Technology

The Georgia Tech Undergraduate Student Government Association is made up of three branches, modeled after the United States federal government. Each branch serves the student body in a unique way, and is detailed below:

Executive Branch
Key functions of the Executive Branch include addressing the needs and growing changes of the student body, reviewing campus policies, and actively developing solutions to student issues. The Executive Branch is the voice of the Georgia Tech student body.

Legislative Branch
The primary responsibilities of the Legislative Branch include:

  • Expressing the position of the the student body on issues affecting the student experience.
  • Formulating the annual Student Activity Fee Budget during the spring semester.
  • Allocating Student Activity Fee funds to chartered student organizations throughout the year.
  • Modifying the structure and functions of Student Government.
  • Approving all amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Student Government Association.

Judicial Branch

The Undergraduate Judiciary Cabinet (UJC) serves two main purposes: upholding non-academic integrity and interpreting any actions or legislation of the USGA to uphold the system of checks and balances provided for by the Undergraduate Constitution. The UJC also has appellate jurisdiction over all lower courts. At any given time there are twelve acting justices and one Chief Justice.

For Undergraduate Student Government Association Policies,* please see:

*For the purposes of student government autonomy, these policies are not subject to the Student Regulations Process (i.e., Student Regulations Committee and Academic Senate) as outlined in the Institute Policy Development and Life Cycle Process.