Resource Allocation and Overall Budget Process

Resource Allocation and Overall Budget Process
Type of Policy
Last Revised
Review Date
Policy Owner
Institute Budget Planning and Administration
Contact Name
Jamie Fernandes
Contact Title
Executive Director
Contact Email
Policy Statement

The President of Georgia Tech, within the constraints established by the Board of Regents, ultimately determines Georgia Tech’s internal budget allocations within the constraints imposed by sponsoring organizations, donors, and the Board of Regents (BOR) of the University System of Georgia. Georgia Tech's internal budget process requires all campus units to develop requests on the basis of the Strategic Plan of Georgia Tech and their own strategic plans. Institute executive staff receive input from the college deans and directors of other units and also from committees that make recommendations on fees for the coming year.

The following factors enter into decisions about resource allocations to colleges and other units:

  • Revenue projections, including the level of expected state funding and tuition and fee and other revenue
  • Budget requests from the units
  • Expected impact of requests on Georgia Tech’s overall strategic plan and on individual unit plans
  • Committee recommendations

The process begins in the fall with a review by executive staff and division heads of performance metrics that are to be used to help determine budget allocations. The process also involves the review of mandatory and elective fee increase requests from Auxiliary and other units funded through student fees and development of tuition recommendations to be provided to the BOR. In the first half of the fiscal year, units are required to prepare budget requests for the following fiscal year. Budget proposals address funding above base budgets and, if required, reallocations or reductions. Requests include the assignment of unit specific priorities and an explanation of how the requests address their strategic plans. 

